

myHub is the TCBC online community and central location for all things Tri-Cities. It is the one place for you to communicate with all your TCBC groups and ministries, helping you stay connected and informed.

Getting Started

  • Click Sign Up for myHub to create an account (or enter your username and password, if you already created one).
  • Enter the requested sign-up information and click “Submit.”
  • Within one business day you will receive an activation email. Follow the link to set up your new username and password.
Next Steps

Help people get to know you. 
Load a photo in your profile and verify your contact information. Edit sections of your profile that inform leaders of your gifts, abilities and faith journey. Your privacy settings control what you want to share and with whom. – Go to your profile by clicking your photo at the top right corner of myHub. 

Find your groups. 
Groups you belong to are listed under the Groups menu. Here you can also discover new groups to join. 

View church calendars. 
Select “Events” from the left menu. Select “My Calendar” to view events for the groups and serving teams you are part of. View events that involve the entire church family by selecting “Churchwide Calendar.” 

View Your Giving Statement 
Your TCBC giving statement is available in myHub. It can only be viewed by yourself, your family’s primary contact, your spouse and TCBC financial admins. TCBC leaders cannot view member giving statements. 

The Lead App for Leaders

myHub’s mobile platform is the LEAD app. Use the Lead app to quickly send a message to all group members, take attendance for your group, update profiles of your group members, view upcoming birthdays and anniversaries and send a need.

Download the LEAD app from the Apple store or from Google Play. The TCBC subdomain is “”. Log in using your myHub username and password.

MyHub Tips

Find out what’s going on at TCBC.
Select the Calendar tab and then select Churchwide Calendar

Connect with my small group or serving team.
Select the Groups tab to view the groups you belong to.  Click on the group to view group messages and calendar events.  

Help people get to know me
Load your photo in your profile!  From the Home page, select Go to my profile.  From the Action menu to the right under Profile Settings, select Edit profile. On the Basic tab locate “photo”, select Choose file and navigate to your digital photo. 

Get to know people in my Group.
Click on the Groups tab and select one of the groups you belong to.  Click Participants to view a list of group members.  Select Send email to send individuals a message through myHub.  

Join a group.
TCBC offers an array of small groups and serving teams where you can connect and become involved in God’s activity.  From the Groups tab, select “discover a new group”.  Select the “type” of group you are looking for and click “search”.  Browse groups; from the Group page, click Request to join to send an email to the leader.  

Connect with other people who attend TCBC.
Group members can send messages through myHub to people who are in their Groups. Members of TCBC can also look up and search for people. From the People tab, type the first 2-3 letters of their first and last names. The individual’s privacy settings determine the profile information that is displayed.

Give a friend access to view my contact information
Members of TCBC can access the People tab and search for people to designate as friends.  Generally, “friends” have access to view additional contact info.  From the People tab, type the first 2-3 letters of the friend’s first and last names.  From the Actionsmenu on the right, click Add to my friends list.

Inform church leadership about my spiritual gifts, abilities and passions.
From the Home page, select Go to my profile. From the actions menu to the right under Profile Settings, select Edit profile. Verify and update information in each of the tabs, particularly MyFit and Plugged In. Periodically church leadership and Ministry Mobilization will search for skills and inform individuals of opportunities to serve and become involved in ministry. 

View the events my groups are involved in.
Regardless of the number of groups you belong to, the “My calendar” view consolidates all of your group’s events into a single view.  “My calendar” is visible from the Home page, or under the Calendar tab.  

Shorten my username.
From the Home page, select Go to my profile.  From the Action menu to the right under Profile Settings, select Change username/password and type your preferred username.  

Subscribe to myHub calendars.
Navigate to the myHub calendar you want to subscribe to.  Click Actions and then Subscribe.  

Access myHub on my mobile device.
A simplified version of myHub is available for TCBC members to view People info on a mobile device.  From the myHub login page, select Mobile Login and type a myHub username and password.  Add an icon to the Home screen using your mobile device’s browser menu.  The full version of myHub can continue to be accessed using a standard Internet browser.